

The traditional specialist in paints and mineral building protection has tested various EPEA product groups for their safety and had them certified in accordance with Cradle to Cradle, among other things.

KEIMFARBEN GmbH specializes in the production of silicate paints, such as those used in construction for walls and facades. The company has always attached great importance to high-quality and particularly health-friendly ink systems.

KEIMFARBEN's strategic goal is to further strengthen its leading position in material innovation and sustainability. The company has therefore drawn on EPEA's expertise in the analysis and certification of construction products. EPEA supported KEIMFARBEN in setting up the necessary processes, tools and final certifications.

Several product groups certified

The collaboration with Keimfarben began in September 2021 and was commissioned by EPEA to certify major product groups. Since August 2022, the following product groups have been certified by KEIMFARBEN:

  • KEIM Concrete Systems
  • KEIM WOOD Systems
  • KEIM Exterior Paint Systems
  • KEIM Interior Paint Systems

The certificates are valid until the beginning of August 2024. The C2C certificates are all issued at silver level (V3.1), the MHC certificates at gold level (V3.1).

“EPEA's work has had a significant impact on the success of the project. ”Peter Treitz, Product Manager KEIMFARBEN GmbH

EPEA Services

Joint development of Cradle to Cradle (C2C) processes and knowledge training

C2C evaluation of material health and assessment of the circularity of the selected product range

Data collection and knowledge training for suppliers

Development of an optimization strategy for measurable progress in product quality for a circular economy based on C2C

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