EPEA cooperates with start-up everwave

March 9, 2023

Free the oceans from trash and plastic by specifically targeting the rivers: Everwave comes up with this innovative idea. EPEA — Part of Drees & Sommer is now cooperating with the Aachen start-up.

The aim of the cooperation between EPEA and everwave is to raise public awareness of the global problem of marine waste, for example through joint appearances. In addition, both partners are already working together to develop solutions for plastic waste in the future.

For several years, the German start-up everwave has been taking care of the more than eleven million tons of plastic that enter the oceans every year. It has now chosen a rather unusual route for this: The people of Aachen collect the garbage before it even ends up in the sea. To do this, they use collection boats and platforms that collect garbage from rivers. Areas of application so far have included Serbia, Croatia and Cambodia — to date, everwave has already collected over 692,000 kilos of trash.

But that's not all. Using AI (in cooperation with DFKI), everwave identifies the exact locations and nature of the waste. In this way, the start-up simultaneously gains insights into its origin and possible perpetrators. Everwave also takes care of the removal and recycling of recovered waste at locations around the world.

More information on everwave.de

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