EPEA Benelux supports development of “Hydro EcoDesign” concept

October 23, 2020

Hydro is introducing a new commercial concept to help customers develop aluminum products that are more functional for consumers and better for the planet. It is called Hydro EcoDesign and aims to improve environmental footprint of customer products and benefit circular economy.

The concept supports customers by combining technical excellence with creative design to improve the functionality of a product, as well as its social and environmental footprint. It is a collaboration between customer and supplier, bringing product designers together with engineers schooled in the unique methodology of Hydro EcoDesign.

Methodology developed in collaboration with EPEA

Hydro EcoDesign is a dedicated methodology that Hydro developed in collaboration with the consultants Environmental Protection Encouragement Agency (EPEA), part of Drees & Sommer. Its structure is based on procedures and requirements that identify opportunities and priorities for making products more sustainable.

“Teaming with EPEA allowed us to build a framework with a partner experienced in material health, sustainable design and product certification. The key is to make sure all steps and criteria are specific, thus minimizing the risk of greenwashing,” says Jean-Marc Moulin, head of sustainability for extruded solutions.

It works like this: A community of specially trained colleagues across Europe assists customer projects by bringing expertise in material selection, alloy performance, life cycle analysis, surface treatment, packaging, transport and lightweighting. These specialists cover topics such as designing for disassembly, disruptive business models, take-back systems, supplier engagement, packaging and enhanced recycling. Several proven concepts from the circular economy community have also been endorsed for use. Consultation with the customer in this process is a priority.

“Hydro is a vertically integrated company so they are perfectly positioned to develop beneficial aluminum products for a circular economy. EPEA's contributions to their EcoDesign guidelines help Hydro to think and move beyond conventional sustainability and aim for positive impacts all along the value chain.” — Hein van Tuijl, Managing Director EPEA Benelux.
“By adapting EPEA's approach to fit its own products, Hydro has a competitive tool for thousands of its customers to leverage eco-effective designs. It's a powerful example of driving new markets to scale up the circular economy.” — Douglas Mulhall, Senior Project Advisor.

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About Hydro

Hydro is a fully integrated aluminum company with 35,000 employees in 40 countries on all continents, combining local expertise, worldwide reach and unmatched capabilities in R&D. In addition to production of primary aluminum, rolled and extruded products and recycling, hydro extracts bauxite, refines alumina and generates energy to be the only 360° company of the global aluminum industry. The company is headquartered in Norway.


About EPEA

Environmental Protection Encouragement Agency (EPEA), part of Drees & Sommer, is a consultancy firm dedicated to creating positive value for people, the environment and business. Its expertise includes co-developing environmentally friendly and recyclable industrial products, buildings and urban districts and solutions for the circular economy. Its main work with Hydro is done through its Benelux office, and the main office is located in Hamburg

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