AquaMinerals B.V receives Cradle to Cradle gold certificate!

October 15, 2021

A special moment recently happened in Utrecht - AquaMinerals B.V receives the Cradle to Cradle gold certificate! Ten years ago, Desso, with the help of EPEA Benelux, launched AquaMinerals B.V. a process for processing lime granulate from drinking water production into Cradle to Cradle carpets.

A special moment happened in Utrecht recently - AquaMinerals B.V receives the Cradle to Cradle gold certificate!

Launched ten years ago Desso with the help of EPEA Benelux with AquaMinerals B.V. (then Residues Union) a process for processing lime granulate from drinking water production into Cradle to Cradle carpets. The trick was to replace the grain of sand with calcite as a sticking material. This substance is less hard and therefore easier to process industrially.

This pioneering work is one of the reasons why all Dutch drinking water companies, as well as the De Watergroep In Belgium, suppliers of recycled Cradle to Cradle are certified gold lime granulate for all types of applications!

In addition, the company gave Mosa. Tiles. It is known that the lime granulate has recently been successfully used in the production of their Cradle to Cradle ceramic tiles.

A strong example from all participating companies!
Congratulations to everyone who has made an effort to do so!

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