Next Generation Buildings — Building for the Circular Economy (Frankfurt, Germany)

November 13, 2019

How can climate protection and the transition of resources be systematically and, above all, economically integrated into real estate planning?

This question is the focus of the event “Next Generation Buildings — Building for the Circular Economy” on November 13, 2019 at NEXT Studio in Frankfurt.

As a result of climate change and increasingly scarce resources, circular construction is becoming increasingly important. However, only a few know how it actually works and what is important beyond the small individual measures. “In order to promote circular and healthy construction, the exchange of knowledge and experience between all construction players is very important. With our event, we want to contribute to this and, together with all participants, explore the question of how we effectively implement Circular Economy approaches and Cradle to Cradle design principles in our projects,” says Dr. Peter Mösle, Partner at Drees & Sommer SE and Managing Director of EPEA GmbH — Part of Drees & Sommer.

The event is organized by WICONA, a manufacturer of high-tech building systems, in cooperation with EPEA GmbH. The interactive event format aims to provide practical information for the construction and real estate industries. Experienced speakers will present successful projects and pioneering construction methods. In addition to Dr. Peter Mösle, Dr. Werner Jager, managing director of Wicona, Lars Krückeberg, founding partner of Graft, and Jasna Moritz, partner of Kadawittfeldarchitektur, share their knowledge in keynote speeches. The event will be moderated by Martin Prösler from Prösler Kommunikation GmbH. During the subsequent discussion round and get-together, guests and participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas directly.

For more information, see invitation flyer.

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