Booklet “The Cradle to Cradle Design Principle for Buildings”

December 1, 2021

Builsings like trees, cities like forests - recyclable buildings using Cradle to Cradle®

Recent years have shown that it is not just the energy consumption of buildings during their life cycles that determines sustainability. Instead, factors such as the origin and nature of the materials as well as the general effects of a construction project on the environment and people have also come into focus.

Connected, flexible, recyclable, healthy and energy-positive: Buildings based on the Cradle to Cradle® design principle (C2C) are designed to be variable and reusable. Your materials are easy to disassemble, separate by type and completely recycle. This turns buildings into long-lasting and valuable raw material depots, which release the resources used after the end of use as planned. Through this principle, they make a significant contribution to maintaining the value of the property and are also positive for people and the environment.

On the following pages, we will show you how we approach the C2C approach and how those involved in a construction project benefit from it.

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